Office Space Rental Livingston

Tips to Make Your Shared Office Space Your Own, Part 2

In our previous blog, we talked about some tips to make your shared office space your own. This is super important no matter what shared workspace you choose. Having familiar objects surround you not only offers you comfort and can get you through the tough moments at work, but they can also inspire you when you’re out of ideas.

SkyDesk offers the best commercial office space for rent. We have shared office spaces in Livingston, and Morristown. We offer a wide variety of amenities, from conference rooms to high speed internet and kitchens, for your convenience. Our mission is to help you have everything you need while you work. Below, we’ll offer up more tips to customize your shared office space. Call for short-term office space for lease today!


Add in Light

Working in a dreary space only makes you dreary, and if you’re dreary, you can expect to get nothing of value done. Having a bright space can make all the difference in your attitude and in your mood, which will make you more productive and aid in ideas. In addition, having enough light will ensure you don’t have eye strain from staring at your computer all day long. SkyDesk recommends a desk lamp with a fun shade that would make the perfect addition to your rented office space. You could add in some LED colored lights as well just to throw in some fun, too.


Post Your Goals

Having something to work towards is what we all need if we are to truly make a difference in others’ lives. Oftentimes, however, during the hecticness of the day, we forget our goals, and they get pushed to the wayside. We can help eliminate this by investing in a cork board or a white board. This way, you can change out your goals as you achieve them, and add in new ones easily. They can help to inspire you when your day is going terribly, and keep you on track when, especially if you are one to veer off course.

Add in a Candle or Incense

Another great addition to your office space is a scented candle or incense, as long as everyone else is okay with them. Aromas have the power to bring us comfort or remind us of past places or experiences. They can help soothe and calm you, as well as take away your stress. In addition, candles are great to have around during the holidays. You can light a pumpkin candle around Halloween and a pine-scented candle around Christmas. Candles are amazing for their beauty as well.


SkyDesk has created amazing business spaces for rent so you can have a great place to work and accomplish your dreams and goals. We offer short-term office space for lease, so you can pay as you go on a month-to-month basis. We have added in the best amenities and made all of our shared workspaces in Livingston, and Morristown, 24/7 accessible. Call to get started today!